03/10 Life

New Blog Design + Giveaway!

Hi guys!  I’m SO excited to announce that I have finally redesigned my blog!!!!!  This has been in the works for a couple months now and I’ve been anxiously looking forward to the design going live.  What do you guys think of it??

I wanted a simple, black and white design that would reflect my style and put focus on my content, which I think it does beautifully.  My blog is also now mobile responsive, which is a goal I set out to achieve this year!  The mobile site still needs a bit of tweaking, but your overall mobile experience on my site should be improved now :).

I have big dreams for this blog, and a redesign felt like the appropriate next step for me to start taking bigger strides forward.  With this sentiment, I have to express my sincerest gratitude for your support.  For every view, comment, like, share, re-post, re-pin, everything, you all have made this blogging journey more fulfilling than I ever could have imagined.

As a thank you, I’m hosting a giveaway for a $75 West Elm gift card!  Purchased with my own money, so no sponsorship here.  Just me wanting to give a gift to my cherished readers <3.

West Elm Giveaway

This giveaway will end at midnight on Tuesday March  25, 2014.  One winner will be randomly selected and contacted via email.  The winner must respond within 48 hours or else another winner will be selected.  Enter below in the Rafflecopter widget and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

50 comments on “New Blog Design + Giveaway!”

  1. I just found your blog yesterday via Craftberry Bush your post of the DIY Gold esk Dishes and I love all of your diy. I would love to see Knockoffs.

  2. Hoe about covering some furniture, are you up for it? New here, but like what I see so far. Got to do more exploring.

  3. I love the design, Amy! It’s so clean and airy looking and I think it really reflects your style. As far as what would I like to see on your blog… just keep doing what you’re doing lady and remember there’s never enough GOLD ;)

  4. I love the new design, Amy! I’ve been thinking about redoing mine as well. Finding some extra time is the only thing. I’ve loved following your blog the last few months. Keep up the great work! :)

  5. AMY!!! you are oh so amazing!!! not only do i love all your ideas, i love reading everything – your spirit is definitely in the words as well :)

  6. your new design looks fabulous! I love the clean and simple look. You know I pretty much love all your projects, especially your painted pieces/home decor! Thanks for an awesome giveaway! :) Have a great week!

  7. Absolutely LOVE the new look, Amy! It’s beautiful without being distracting, so it definitely accomplishes what you set out to. And the black and white with clean lines is so very you! Keep up the amazing work!. And keep those gold projects coming :)

  8. AMY! I LOVE all of your ideas! Can’t wait to try them when I move into my new apartment this summer!! Thanks for the inspiration! :D

  9. Love the new blog design! Your blog is great and I love all your DIY projects. I have to agree that maybe some photography tips would be nice since your photos are always incredibly beautiful!

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