08/25 DIY

DIY Decorated Notebooks with Labels- PBteen Stylehouse

DIY Decorated Notebooks with Labels

For this back to school season, I’m sharing how to make these really cute customizable notebooks with DIY labels over at the Pottery Barn Teen blog, The Stylehouse!  This is absolutely how I would be decorating my own notebooks if I was going back to school (or really for any occasion that I’d need a notebook for), and let’s be real… the best part about this time of year is back to school supplies.  That always got me excited for the new school year ;).

I wish this is what I did with my supplies back when I was in school, but unfortunately I did not!  I didn’t even THINK to do this, but I wish I had.  I’ve become a firm believer in surrounding yourself with things that inspire you or just make you feel GOOD, and if something as small as decorating your notebooks in a design you love can do that for you, I’d say that’s pretty amazing and well worth your time.  It’s easy, fun, and should put a smile on your face knowing that you made your own, one of a kind item :).

So back to school or not, make something unique that inspires you and gets you excited for what’s to come!

DIY Notebook LabelsObscure fact: I made sure to pick a south campus and north campus subject for the notebook labels (any fellow Bruins out there?)

DIY Customizable Notebooks with labelsStill here?  Thank you <3.  Check out the tutorial for these notebooks over at The Stylehouse!

24 comments on “DIY Decorated Notebooks with Labels- PBteen Stylehouse”

  1. Those notebooks are lovely. The designs are colorful without being overwhelming. I saw the north and south campus reference and immediately smiled.

  2. I am not going to school either but I absolutely love this both for myself and for my kids (who are in school)! Thank you for the great and simple idea. :-)

    1. The love for school supplies runs deep! You bet I’m going to do this for my future kids ;) So happy you love this project, Alexa! Thank you!

  3. Wow, I’m in love with these! As usual you have a killer eye for color and pattern. I’m a sucker for back-to-school season, I want to be in college learning everything again! But without the drama this time…

    1. Ooooohhhh dramaaaaaaaa. Can’t have anything good without drama! I’d still go back ;).
      Thanks so much, Marlene!

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