04/04 Life

March Highlights

Despite having caught a really, very, terribly bad cold for almost two weeks in March that annoyingly put me behind schedule, there were a lot of good moments last month!  Again, that’s pretty much the point of this monthly column, to remember the good and to share with you random things that happen outside of the blog that I’m not sure where to share, so I share them here :).

Kendall-Jackson and The Everygirl hosted a dinner event at Williams-Sonoma and it was everything bomb: pretty setting, awesome food, good people.  And flowers with my name on them AH.  I very rarely get a night like this so it was a huge treat, especially to do it over meeting new people, because let me tell you- I usually get nervous and awkward-bird-like over situations like these, so I make it a point to challenge myself with putting myself out there and being proud that I did.

Also I drank five glasses of wine.  We could say I was feeling extra good.



I did some desk styling for Poppin in collaboration for an email campaign (any of you Poppin fans might’ve seen that??) which was so so exciting because they’re one of my favorite brands.  The other benefit is that it motivated me to clean up my desk, which always feels fantastic, but of course, it doesn’t look like this right now haha.  I still have the full feature of my work space coming up at the end of this month!



In HGTV’s April issue, you’ll find little ol’ me in the DIY projects section!  Even more exciting is that this is the first time I’ve been featured in a US publication, and even more exciting was to see blogger pals and bloggers I greatly admire featured too.  It’s a hodgepodge of excitement and a huge honor.  I imagine showing this to my kids someday and saying something like see your mom is cool.


I’m taking a pottery class, guys.  The first session was on the last day of March and we didn’t get to go on the wheel, but we will at the next class and I’m very excited for it.  I signed up with Molly and we talked about how we’ve really needed something like this for a long time, to create for ourselves and learn something new without the pressures that blogging can bring.  I’m also crazy for pottery and ceramics and hoping I’ll pick it up well.  Gosh that would be heartbreaking if this just doesn’t vibe with me haha.  One cute bowl is all I ask!



Making progress on our bedroom was the most feel-good highlight of March for sure.  This wide shot didn’t make it into the post I did reporting on our progress, but it does a good job of summarizing where we’re currently at for the room.  It’s coming along exactly as I had hoped: lots of white, minimal, and organized.  I couldn’t be happier with all the hours that went into getting it to this point, and the decluttering that I thought would never get done.  Now it just needs more hours for deciding on a few decor elements and a bed that I’m painfully indecisive about it, and waiting for sales haha.  This is the lesson I always preach, guys- decorating needs to take time.  Thoroughly research and hunt for those perfect finds, it’s worth the wait!



April is going to be insane with so much happening.  From what I can remember, I’ll be up to some traveling (I’m gone starting today so it’ll be a little quiet around here.  Thanks for your patience!), hosting friends from out of town, putting on a DIY workshop, watching GAME OF THRONES, and it’s my birthday month woah.  I’m definitely going to need a reminder to slow down and stay present.  Too many good things that deserve undivided enjoyment this month.

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