10/28 Friday Links

Friday Finds

Earlier this week, something possessed me to take a look in my blog comments trash folder for what I think was the first time ever, and in it I found hundreds of legitimate comments from you guys over the past year and a half that I didn’t know existed because they unknowingly bypassed my approval.  UGH.  I felt devastated.

First, I think I’ve solved the issue and you bet I’m making checking that folder a regular thing now.  Second, your comments mean so so much to me.  It still blows me away that anyone takes time to leave me the kind words (and constructive criticisms) that you all do, and to see that so many of your comments went unseen and potentially made you feel like you were writing into a black hole made my heart break a little.  I’m so sorry if it ever confused or discouraged you when you never saw your comment appear on the blog!  We’re adding this on to the list of glitches I’m hoping we’ll never have to return to.

Already this weekend is Halloween!  I’ve said many times before that this is not my favorite holiday, but this weekend I’m taking a short trip to San Diego with friends so it’s extra exciting this time.  Still don’t have a costume, still haven’t learned yet to take care of that sooner than the week before, still Googling easy last minute costume ideas, still same ol’ me.

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Halloween!


10 easy last minute Halloween party ideas.

Bathroom makeovers are some of the most satisfying, no?  This one has some really unique and beautiful details.

One of my favorite flavors baked into such a gorgeously simple cake.

Spent a good amount of time browsing through and admiring allll the minimal interiors (keep clicking “next project” on the bottom left to get lost).

8 motivation techniques olympians swear by.

Must get back into weaving. Such an adorable DIY.

Do you agree with this list of things that wedding guests don’t care about?


Photo from my Instagram.

6 comments on “Friday Finds”

  1. I agree with a few of those “10 things people don’t care about” post but I definitely judge people by their invitation haha! I think it’s the first glimpse at what their wedding will be like! I don’t think it means you have to spend a ton of money on them but I have definitely been turned off when people use a hard to read font or something. Thanks for sharing that coaster DIY too btw I thought it was way cute.

    1. Haha I love your honesty. I totally agree, I don’t think I ever would have said I judge wedding invitations but you’re right that they are the first impression, and also that they don’t have to be crazy either. I haven’t even thought that far ahead of what mine will be like. Not in a rush, either ;).

  2. That wedding list is not legitmate, unless the couple is going to the justice of the peace! You’ve known your fiance for 11 years– your families have seen you two grow and evolve. Once the place for the ceremony has been determined and the venue for the reception has been decided — check when they are available and then book them- some places may be booked for a year plus in advance — so please don’t settle for a back up and go elsewhere for your special, wonderful, amazing day!! Once the locations are booked, take your time planning. If you are your folks’ only daughter — please realize they too may have some thoughts on how they’d like to celebrate this momentous occasion– so ask them if they do. My friend was determind to get married 11-11-2011, so she had a list of three places for the reception, fortunately one was available for her wonderful day. I’m just saying you need to decide if date or location matters most. If it’s location, then let the availability determine the length of your engagement.

    1. Location sure matters more to us. Great point in making that distinction vs prioritizing date. Luckily our families haven’t at all been pushy about any expectations or requests! Thanks for your insight, Ann.

  3. The list is a great starting point. Really, the memories blur and other things replace them: new home, children, travels. Do you remember what the bride wore at any weddings you attended, especially more than a couple of years ago? What color was your napkin? The flowers? Did you care the next day? Do you care now? But do you remember which ones were relaxed (relatively) and fun? Just saying to be thoughtful about choices, but expensive and unnecessary details are not the same as nice and personal.

    1. Totally feel you on this. I don’t disagree with putting effort into the details, but for us we’re realizing that a simpler and more stress free time is priority. I’m already feeling the stress and we’ve barely done anything yet, haha!

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